Wednesday, September 12, 2012

One Rule To Lose Fat: Obey

This is a cool video from Insane Home Fat Loss. I remember I didn't work out for a week, but really started getting into good eating habits. I realized I lost a lot of weight. I lost probably like 8-10 pounds just from eating lean foods. You definitely see the difference in your body when you keep processed foods to a minimum like waffles, crappy cereals, noodles, pastas, and any foods that have a big ingredient list like she mentions. Peep it for yourself:

The Worst Ab Exercises to Ever Do

Now, I have a love and hate relationship with this particular post. While I do agree that he has a great point and it's true. I need a very strong core to do the types of movements that I do for a dance called b-boying *break dancing*. That actually puts me in a very difficult spot. However, my v-cut and my obliques are a bit on the ripped side. I'm still working a lot on my core, but it's cool. For those that might have a bit too much extra fat stored, this is some good advice. Work on getting yourself a lot leaner then build the muscle so that it becomes really ripped.